angular rangeの例文
- IASI field of view, showing the angular range and steps, as well as the flight direction.
- Specular gloss is measured over an angular range that is limited by aperture dimensions as defined in ASTM Test Method D523.
- However, if the crystal has a higher symmetry, a smaller angular range such as 90?or 45?may be recorded.
- A specific angular range has also been recorded in all the cup marks, which are in the form of 3 clusters.
- The RHEED pattern at the detector is a projection only of the k vectors that are within the angular range that contains the detector.
- This image subtends an angular range of over 10?and required use of a shorter than usual camera length " L ".
- This angular range contains information about the shape and size of macromolecules, characteristic distances of partially ordered materials, pore sizes, and other data.
- Rays that fall within this angular range are reflected from the core-cladding boundary by total internal reflection, and so are confined by the core.
- It then expanded on the study of the positions and motion of stars, in particular single and double stars lying within the angular range of the Tartu Observatory.
- For example, a planar thermal upconverting platform can have a front surface that absorbs low-energy photons incident within a narrow angular range, and a back surface that efficiently emits only high-energy photons.
- This forced a wait of a month or two for " Hayabusa " to stabilize by conversion of precession to pure rotation, after which the rotation axis needed to be directed toward the Sun and Earth within a specific angular range.
- The size and position of the detector determine which of the diffracted electrons are within the angular range that reaches the detector, so the geometry of the RHEED pattern can be related back to the geometry of the reciprocal lattice of the sample surface through use of trigonometric relations and the distance from the sample to detector.
- When a multiply scattering medium is illuminated by a laser beam, the scattered intensity results from the interference between the amplitudes associated with the various scattering paths; for a disordered medium, the interference terms are washed out when averaged over many sample configurations, except in a narrow angular range around exact backscattering where the average intensity is enhanced.
- This allows the K2 to " sit ", " stand " and " kneel ", as well as " lean " towards one side or a corner . " Sitting " gives the tank a lower profile and offers superior handling over roads . " Standing " gives the vehicle higher ground clearance for maneuverability over rough terrain . " Kneeling " augments the angular range in which the tank's gun barrel can elevate and depress, allowing the vehicle to fire its main gun downhill as well as engage low-flying aircraft more effectively.